We study a wide variety of topics, from research to understand the basics of olfactory physiology to how contaminants impair olfaction and related behaviours, to how contaminants affect aquatic environments in general. See below for a listing of all of Dr. Dew's publications as well as a link to his Google Scholar page.
Woodman SG, Steinkey DT, Dew WA, Burket SR, Brooks BW, and Pyle GG. (2016) Effects of sertraline on behavioural indices of Orconectes virilis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 134, 31-
Sakamoto K, Dew WA, Hecnar S, and Pyle GG (2016) Effects of lampricide on olfaction and behavior in young-of-the-year lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Environmental Science and Technology. 50(7), 3462-3468
Dew WA, Veldhoen N, Carew A, Helbing C, and Pyle GG. (2016) Cadmium-induced olfactory dysfunction in rainbow trout: Effects of binary and quaternary metal mixtures. Aquatic Toxicology. 172, 86-94
Dew WA, Hontela A, Rood S, and Pyle GG. (2015) Biological effects and toxicity of diluted bitumen (dilbit) and its constituents in freshwater systems. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 35(11), 1219-1227.
Azizishirazi A, Dew WA, Bougas B, Bernatchez L, Pyle GG. (2015) Dietary sodium protects fish against copper induced impairment. Aquatic Toxicology. 161, 1-9.
Dew WA, Azizishirazi A, and Pyle GG. (2014) Effects of copper and nickel on olfaction in fish: connecting specific neuron impairment with a behavioural deficit. Chemosphere. 112, 519-25
Dew WA and Pyle GG. (2014) Smelling salt: calcium as an odourant for fathead minnows. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 169, 1-6.
Martens MT, Wall AJ, Pyle GG, Wasylenko BA, Dew WA, Devlin RH, and Blanchfield PJ. (2014) Growth and feeding efficiency of a wild and aquaculture genotype of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), common to Lake Huron, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40(2), 377-384.
Azizishirazi A, Dew WA, Bougas B, Dashtban M, Bernatchez L, and Pyle GG (2014). Gene expression profiles in olfactory tissues and olfactory mediated behavioural responses of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from metal contaminated lakes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 106, 239-45.
Azizishirazi AA, Dew WA, Forsyth H, and Pyle GG (2013). Olfactory recovery of wild yellow perch from metal contaminated lakes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 88, 42-7. (Highlighted article).
Dew WA, Wood CM and Pyle GG (2012). Effects of continuous copper exposure and calcium on the olfactory response of fathead minnows. Environmental Science and Technology 46, 9019-9026.
Callaghan DT, Weisbord, CD, Dew, WA, Pyle, GG (2012) The role of various sensory inputs in establishing social hierarchies in crayfish. Behaviour 149, 1443-1458.
Simbeya CK, Csuzdi CE, Dew WA and Pyle GG (2012). Electroantennogram measurement of the olfactory response of Daphnia spp. and its impairment by waterborne copper. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 82, 80-84.
Villeneuve DJ, Hembruff SL, Veitch Z, Cecchetto M, Dew WA and Parissenti AM (2006). cDNA microarray analysis of isogenic paclitaxel- and doxorubicin-resistant breast tumor cell lines reveals distinct drug-specific genetic signatures of resistance. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 96, 17-39.